The Hon. Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of Energy, U.S. DOE invites companies and governments to Washington D.C. on 10-11 October 2022 to the Hydrogen Americas Summit which is co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Sustainable Energy Council.

“Hello everyone, I am delighted to invite companies and governments to Washington D.C. on October 10th and 11th for the Hydrogen Americas Summit which is co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the Sustainable Energy Council. 

This is going to be a tremendous opportunity to showcase new policies, new projects, convene decision makers and stakeholders and enthusiasts to help make the Americas a global leader on clean hydrogen.  

Innovating and accelerating clean hydrogen is going to be essential to help tackle the climate crisis and importantly to diversify our energy future. 

We are going to be pushing for real progress to deploy, deploy, deploy this critical clean energy technology and I look forward to seeing you in Washington.”

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