During the sell-out Summit of the 2022 Hydrogen Americas Summit, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry. Including an interview with Parker Meeks, President & Interim CEO of Hyzon Motors.

What message did you share with the audience? 

Yes so the key message we want to bring is the fuel cell trucks are ready now. So the technology that Hyzon puts into our trucks has been finetuned over 19 years of legacy development by our former parent company, Hyzon’s taken that into trucks, we have trucks on the road today doing real work with real customers full loads full ships, and as we develop infrastructure with our partners, the trucks are ready to roll now.  

What is needed to accelerate your green hydrogen goals? 

The most important thing we need is absolutely partners from production to dispensing who are ready to make the leap along with us, paired with the support for the temporary inner period with Governments who are willing to help us with the cost structures that today aren’t in line with Diesel but are getting closer and closer every single day. So we have great partners in production from a breath of sources, we have great partners in dispensing, and it’s about working together to deliver for the early customers at a point where costs are still coming down.  

What is the feedback you are getting from your customers? 

They’re very excited about the performance of the trucks, they’re excited about how quiet they are, they’re excited about the lack of fumes and omissions, they’re excited about the tork, the acceleration which is safety for the driver, they’re excited about the impact that that can have on driver attention driver attraction which is a massive issue around the globe of just the lack of drivers right. So the demand from the customer couldn’t be stronger in terms of the technology and what it can provide. I think it’s on all of us to make sure that from an OEM perspective or providing a quality truck that can do the work, and then we work really hard with our infrastructure providers to provide fuel that’s where it needs to be.  

Why is this summit important? 

Because it’s a great collection of the industry, we are huge supporters of summit of the collection of participants. This is a partnership we have to form across the entire ecosystem right, Hyzon can’t deliver fuel cell trucks without infrastructure behind it, we can’t deliver fuel cell trucks without service partners to help service the trucks, we can’t deliver fuel cell trucks without the support of Governments both Federal, National, State and local and the summit does a great job of bringing together all participants from the ecosystem, so we could not just sit around and talk but actually have side conversations and really keep moving things forward.  


Join them at global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition taking place 2-3 October 2023 in Washington D.C. Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council and Co-Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, the event welcomes 3000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 60 Exhibitors and 35+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Visit our website for more information & to register your place among hydrogen pioneers: https://www.hydrogen-americas-summit.com/

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