During the sell-out Summit of the 2022 Hydrogen Americas Summit, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Dan Yankowski, President of Linde.

What message did you share with the audience? 

Linde has been involved in hydrogen for probably the last four to five decades and we’ve developed all sorts of technology to produce hydrogen, to distribute it and then to transfer to other elements. So from a standpoint of our technologies, we’re able to able to bring those technologies forward today to produce the hydrogen that many of these companies are looking for. And we talked about today one of the keys is, with all of the knowledge and experience that we have, we want to make sure that the hydrogen can be produced reliably but more importantly safely, because the safety of hydrogen is paramount because it’s different to natural gas. So we have the knowledge of the technologies, how to use it, how to engineer design construct plans and then the ongoing operation and maintenance of the facilities. We have many many customers that are looking for hydrogen in large and small amounts and so we’re able to meet their needs with the various technologies that we have to do that again reliably and safely.  

What has changed for Linde? 

About 10 years ago, Linde had been involved with hydrogen mobility, and we were little bit ahead of our times at that point, but we continue to invest in the technologies for fueling stations for the production of hydrogen. And so today we’re right on the mark, we have over 200 hydrogen fueling stations around the world, we have many more that we’re supplying to the marketplace, we have several firsts, the first commercial train and ferry are using hydrogen that’s been produced and distributed by Linde. So those things are starting to take shape, the infrastructure now is starting to build out to make easier to get hydrogen. Those are some of the key things that have changed, but we’ve been there probably a little bit longer than two years and we’re continuing to push the technologies, develop new innovations to make hydrogen cheaper and more accessible to the marketplace.  

Why is this summit important? 

The conference is great because it brings together people from different walks of life, you’ve got Government, you’ve got academia, you’ve got industry, you’ve got research and you’ve got a lot of entrepreneurs that are looking to get into the hydrogen space or clean energy space. And so this type of conference brings them together, there’s good dialogue. We talked today about the hydrogen hubs, it’s very important with the hydrogen hubs it’s not going to be just one company, it’s going to be an amalgamation of several companies and partnerships that will hopefully come out of today’s conference of working together to drive the hydrogen hubs here in the United States. 


Join them at global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition taking place 2-3 October 2023 in Washington D.C. Produced by the Sustainable Energy Council and Co-Hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, the event welcomes 3000 industry professionals, 170+ Speakers, 60 Exhibitors and 35+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Visit our website for more information & to register your place among hydrogen pioneers: https://www.hydrogen-americas-summit.com/

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