During the premier gathering for the global hydrogen community in the Americas region at the #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Nathalia Weber, Co-Founder and Director of CCS Brasil.

“CCS Brasil is a non profit association with the mission of accelerating the deployment of carbon capture storage technologies in Brazil.

Well I’ve been part of a panel today to discuss the opportunities that we have to combine carbon capture storage and hydrogen from different routes of technology for production, and we had a very important discussion today which is part of this bigger event, we have an important role for CCUS and I’m happy that we could bring attention to these technologies here in this event.

We’ve been discussing a lot the importance of having a focus on the demand for low carbon product, and this is a way that would be really important for us to have the right incentives for deploying hydrogen, and in our case hydrogen combined with CCUS. Another important topic that was brought up was the fortress of public perception and most of all public engagement so we can have these large scale projects be deployed at the time and the scale we need. I’d say another important takeaway from this panel is how do we manage incentives for low carbon hydrogen production right? So this is the big issue the whole world is facing and my personal contribution to the panel is to add one more complexity which is how to do that in developing countries. Right, it’s hard enough for OECD countries but it can be even harder for developing countries.

Well exciting, we have now in Brazil in advanced stages of discussions a regulatory framework for CCUS projects, also for hydrogen, but I’m representing carbon capture storage technologies so we’re more involved in this topic and we just had an important approval in a senate, now this bill is going to the Chamber of Deputies and then it goes to the Presidential sanction and after that we’ll be able to inject CO2 for dedicated CO2 storage and this is a really important step, so I think for now what we have of more exciting that we are working on in Brazil is the approval of this regulatory framework.

Having this many people, this many minds together here discussing our common issues, we are twisting the narratives here, we are twisting our perspectives here and we’re trying to find together solutions, we have a dream, everybody here wants to see hydrogen being brave market, we want to see a low carbon world but we know there’s a lot of challenges in between where we are in these dreams, and I think this kind of event helps to contribute with formulating better questions and finding better solutions, I think this is really important.”

Join us at #H2Americas2024

Co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, join global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition taking place 11-12 June 2024 in Washington D.C. The event welcomes 4000 industry professionals, 200+ Speakers, 100+ Exhibitors and 40+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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