During the premier gathering for the global hydrogen community in the Americas region at the #H2Americas2023 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Edit Mucsi, Representative of the Department for Trade and Investment from the Government of South Australia.

“It’s a pleasure to be here in Washington at Hydrogen Americas. My name is Edit Mucsi, I’m a representative of South Australian Government from Department of Trade and Investment. Department of Trade and Investment has it’s investment attraction facility and this organization has a minerals and energy team, I’m heading up the minerals and energy team, overseeing hydrogen, renewables, critical minerals, and a bit often sub sectors like sustainable aviation fuels or low carbon fuels.

We have been doing events with SEC for more than 2 years, we started to work with them with Rotterdam, the World Hydrogen Summit and we saw the value at the conference programme that this is really the event where we would like to be involved. America is a bit of a strategic decision for us, because everyone is talking about IRA, Australia doesn’t have IRA, but we have a lot of renewables, especially in South Australia, and we thought that we would like to promote this opportunity, how companies can join our journey to decarbonization, how they can grow, how they can extend there area of activities to South Australia. Whether it’s critical minerals, whether it’s hydrogen, whether it’s renewables or even the manufacturing opportunities like wind turbines, electrolysers, solar panels, we thought that this is a great opportunity and our audience to talk to.

Our Minister provided the introduction of South Australia, unfortunately he could not be with us the Minister honorable Nick Champion, Minister for Trade and Investment, to talk about what we can offer for the world, how the decarbonization opportunity can happen with the help of South Australia. Basically the key points were that South Australia is the place to do business, because we have renewable energy, we have very supportive Government initiatives, even more the Government runs the risking initiatives, and I was talking about the hydrogen jobs plan which will be up and running by 2025 with a 250 megawatt electrolyzer huge scale, currently the biggest electrolyzer is 20 megawatt, so my plan was to give the scale what the South Australia Government is developing. It’s not just project, it’s at scale and the very favorable and investor friendly regulatory environment. It’s more about to let the world know that South Australia is doing great.

Just before my speech the lady who spoke before me flagged the bottlenecks in the regulatory environment, the opportunities for hydrogen blending to the gas network, and I was “wow, we are doing this South Australia!” so how to reflect.

The aim is common, to decarbonize the everyday life and operation, if it’s industry, let’s do the industry, if it’s maritime, do the maritime, but we can do it together, and U.S. offer beautiful and very massive incentive packages and we would like to see how the policy environment is also evolving. Yesterday was fantastic speeches from Dr Sunita Satyapal, and also for the panels around CCS is really important for us because we have CCS facility in South Australia, so it was a really great learning curve for me.

Thank you very much on behalf of the South Australian Government, providing the opportunity for us to be involved and we are looking forward to working together, the upcoming Sydney APAC event where we will be there, and also the upcoming hydrogen summit in Rotterdam next year, thank you very much and keeping and wishing us all the best collaboration in the future.”

Join us at #H2Americas2024

Co-hosted by the U.S. Department of Energy, join global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders at #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition taking place 11-12 June 2024 in Washington D.C. The event welcomes 4000 industry professionals, 200+ Speakers, 100+ Exhibitors and 40+ sponsors to share the latest news, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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