During America’s leading hydrogen event #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Sashe Annett, CEO, HydrogenHive.

“I’m Sashe Annett, I’m founder of the Northeast Hydrogen Alliance and also I’m CEO of HydrogenHive, which is an educational platform, it’s a global platform for hydrogen education and activity.

The Northeast Hydrogen Alliance is actually part of a larger dialogue convened by the National Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Partnership, and the purpose is to organize regional stakeholders around developing infrastructure for hydrogen refueling.

It’s been difficult to divide your time between the tech stage and the panels and just the wonderful networking opportunities. It’s a bit hectic rushing around to all of it but it’s also a wonderful opportunity to experience all of those different aspects and I think that SEC has done a really good job of combining all of that into one event.

HydrogeHive is a global platform for hydrogen education and connectivity, it’s not just traditional education and curriculum development, or workforce development, it’s also a place where universities can collaborate to develop more robust degree programs, a place where experts can connect, so if you’re a project developer and you want to connect with other people in other parts of the world that are doing similar projects at different stages of development you would have the opportunity to connect. A place where we would list hydrogen events, hydrogen funding opportunities in one ecosystem.”

Join us at #H2Americas2025

We’re returning to Washington D.C. to once again provide global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders the opportunity to meet the entire hydrogen ecosystem at #H2Americas2025 Summit & Exhibition taking place on 3-4 September 2025. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the latest products and solutions, learn the latest news, policies and updates, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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