Roxana Bekemohammadi - Founder & Executive Director - United States Hydrogen Alliance

Roxana Bekemohammadi

Founder & Executive Director
United States Hydrogen Alliance

Roxana brings unique experience with her as the Founder and Executive Director of the United States Hydrogen Alliance. Roxana received her graduate degree from the National Fuel Cell Research Center and a bachelor’s of science in Chemical Engineering from UCLA. Roxana worked as a graduate researcher on the world’s first demonstration of tri-generation of hydrogen, electricity, and heat from a stationary fuel cell. Roxana then went on to serve as a hydrogen expert at the California Air Resources Board. There, she helped develop and implement two landmark clean transportation initiatives. After leaving the government sector, Roxana advocated for climate resilience, energy efficiency, economic equity, workforce development, and, of course, hydrogen. Her expertise, gained through legislative, state agency and laboratory experience afford her a complete, conception-to-implementation understanding of environmental, energy and transportation related issues

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