Elizabeth “Ebby” Brennan - Department of Mechanical Engineering, Women in Green Hydrogen - MIT

Elizabeth “Ebby” Brennan

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Women in Green Hydrogen

Elizabeth “Ebby” Brennan is an undergraduate senior in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Motor Design Lead and Safety Lead of MIT Electric Vehicle Team.

She has a research background in biomechanical and biomechatronics design. As part of NASA’s Anthropometry and Biomechanics Facility at Johnson Space Center, she analyzed the mobility and performance of the xEMU Spacesuit. She was also a member of MIT GEAR Lab, MIT Biomechatronics Lab, and the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg’s Neuromuscular Physiology and Neural Interfacing Lab, in which she designed various prosthetic feet, sockets, and hands for developing nations and industry.

Ebby’s current research focuses on renewable technology and efficient powertrain design as part of MIT Electric Vehicle Team’s [EVT]’s open-source hydrogen fuel cell electric motorcycle project. She is passionate about bridging the gaps between industry, research, and policy and is currently developing an open-source Motor Design Handbook to increase accessible powertrain education. Outside of research, Ebby is an EMT with MIT Emergency Medical Services and a Women in Green Hydrogen mentee. She is committed to fostering a supportive community for women and advancing gender diversity in the green hydrogen sector.

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