Michael McGhee - Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience - U.S. Department of Defense

Michael McGhee

Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience
U.S. Department of Defense

Mr. Michael McGhee, a member of the Senior Executive Service, is the Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Environment & Energy Resilience. In this position, he provides policy and governance for programs and activities that enable resilience and cyber-secure energy for weapon systems and installations. This includes budgetary, policy, and management oversight of programs related to climate change, compliance with environmental laws, prevention of pollution, management of natural and cultural resources, and cleanup of contaminated sites, as well as energy resilience, risk, and performance. Prior to his current assignment in the office of the Secretary of Defense, Mr. McGhee served as the Director for Clean Energy at the President’s Council on Environmental Quality where he led efforts to develop strategy and policy for facilitating clean energy across Federal government operations. Throughout Mr. McGhee’s career, he has served in various leadership positions including Executive Director for the U.S. Army’s Office of Energy Initiatives, where he developed partnerships and alternative financing for projects that provide resilient, affordable, and sustainable energy for Army installations. He is a former U.S. Air Force officer and licensed Professional Engineer.

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