Diep Nguyen-van Houtte - Senior Manager, Climate Business Department - International Finance Corporation

Diep Nguyen-van Houtte

Senior Manager, Climate Business Department
International Finance Corporation

Diep Nguyen-van Houtte is Senior Manager for Climate Business at the International Finance Corporation (IFC). In this role, she is also Chief Innovation Officer and Chief Operations Officer for key portfolios across industries at the IFC, including EDGE (www.edgebuildings.com) Green Buildings real estate portfolio, Building Resilience Index (https://www.resilienceindex.org/), APEX Green Cities (https://www.apexcities.com/#/), renewable energy and energy transition, energy efficiency, and transport and industrial decarbonization. Diep has been among the earliest supporters of green hydrogen innovation and development. She is often invited to be a speaker at global energy transition and green hydrogen events. She has been selected to Hydrogen Economist’s Top 50 Women in Hydrogen.


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