During America’s leading hydrogen event #H2Americas2024 Summit & Exhibition, we spoke to global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders about the future outlook for the hydrogen industry, including an interview with Rushab Shah, Founder and CEO, OneHive.

“Hey my name is Rushab, CEO of OneHive and CCO of HydrogenHive.

So OneHive is an education tech platform, which is driving a personalized touch making learning accessible globally. We do that work across the tech sector and now we’re bringing that to hydrogen under the banner of HydrogenHive. We’re connecting experts, educators, curriculum developers, legislators, financiers, fleet operators, the entire stakeholder ecosystem, into OneHive.

We’re here at the end of Day 2 for the Hydrogen Americas Exhibition and Summit, it’s been a phenomenal opportunity for us to come over from the UK to meet some phenomenal people, really interesting conversations, really engaging as well. The speakers, the presentations have been phenomenal, and actually I think what’s best about it is the community that has been built around here. It’s all buzzing, it’s busy and that’s what we like to see.

One of the main messages we want to get across is as much as the technology is advancing, the workforce development, the skills, the future of the next generation need to come along with it. It’s great that 570 billion dollars is being invested in hydrogen over the next 6 years, however if there’s isn’t anyone to spend it on we’re going to struggle. Our message and what we’re trying to get across is there is a better way, there’s an alternative, there is a better future that we can build, one that’s powered by hydrogen, with the right educational support we can make that happen.

Hydrogen is a global ecosystem, we do a lot of work in Malaysia, South East Asia, we’re connecting to the Australias. What we want to do is also bring that European understanding of what we’re doing there over to the U.S.. Starting in the capital in Washington D.C. was the right place to start, to start to percolate through the hubs, through the alliances and this is the start of an incredible journey that we’re towing through, from here to Austin, to Sacramento to LA. We’re bringing the whole U.S. on the journey with us, so starting from D.C. make sense.

I really enjoyed the depth of content that was shared on the stage, but then also how open people are to collaborate and communicate. The amount of conversations that we’ve had about what we’re doing, how that could potentially open the door for future opportunities. It’s open mindedness so the curation of the right people, coming together, incubating, ideating, it’s starts we going to see. We always say don’t just embrace the change, be the change.

HydrogenHive is an education tech platform designed to revolutionize the ecosystem, we’re bringing experts to help surface them, showcase them, help people connect globally, all the way through to education, working from the school curriculum, universities, having a collaborative curriculum development globally. With that together we can start to position companies, organizations across every single part of the supply chain to help raise more awareness of hydrogen, make sure it is an equitable transition, and also drive a future that is powered by hydrogen.”

Join us at #H2Americas2025

We’re returning to Washington D.C. to once again provide global and regional #hydrogen and #energy leaders the opportunity to meet the entire hydrogen ecosystem at #H2Americas2025 Summit & Exhibition taking place on 3-4 September 2025. Don’t miss the opportunity to witness the latest products and solutions, learn the latest news, policies and updates, establish key connections and sign business deals to accelerate the deployment of the hydrogen economy. Register your place among hydrogen pioneers.

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