The Hydrogen Americas Summit provides a platform to hear from decision-makers, world’s experts in hydrogen production, technology and application. Unique for gathering the whole chain of hydrogen infrastructure, it is an unparalleled occasion to equip your business with the right tools and contacts to fuel your company’s successful future.
- Ambassador Maria Luiza Ribeiro ViottiAmbassador of Brazil to the United StatesEmbassy of Brazil in Washington
- Dr Sunita SatyapalHydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies Office Director and Hydrogen Program CoordinatorU.S. Department of Energy
- Jeff MarootianPrincipal Deputy Assistant Secretary, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, U.S. Department of Energy
- Kelly CumminsActing DirectorOffice of Clean Energy Demonstrations, U.S. Department of Energy
- Crystal FarmerProgram Manager – Hydrogen HubsOffice of Clean Energy Demonstrations, U.S. Department of Energy
- Maggie FieldHydrogen Hubs ManagerClean Air Task Force
- Shinichi KiharaDirector General for Energy and Environmental PolicyMinistry of Economy, Trade and Industry Japan
- Betony JonesLabor Advisor to Secretary of Energy, Director, Office of Energy JobsUS Department of Energy
- Rebecca KnightsExecutive Director, Strategy Policy & DeliveryDepartment for Energy and Mining, Government of South Australia
- Allison ClementsCommissionerFERC
- Campbell HoweSenior Advisor, Loan Programs OfficeU.S. Department of Energy
- Neha RustagiSystems Analysis and Codes & Standards Program ManagerU.S. Department of Energy
- Dr. Asha-Dee CelestineHydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies OfficeUS Department of Energy
- Noelia Medina AlfaroSecretary of National Future Energy Leaders Program (World Energy Council/AUDER)Hydrogen Advisor to the Secretary of Energy, Uruguay
- Dan HoltonSVPExxonMobil
- Dr. Martin HeringSenior Business Development ManagerRobert Bosch LLC
- Pierre PoulainPresident & CEOPowertech Labs
- Janice LinFounder & PresidentGreen Hydrogen Coalition
- Dr. Matteo FabbriProduct Line ManagerABB Inc.
- Lance TitusSenior Managing Director, Head of New EnergiesUniper North America
- Alex SavelliManaging Director of Electrolyzers – AmericasAccelera by Cummins
- John GunnGlobal Manager of Operations, Energy Transition Bechtel
- Nikolaj KnudsenHead of Business DevelopmentTopsoe, Power-to-X
- Rafael FejervaryHydrogen DirectorSLB
- Laura BergedieckSVP, Hydrogen DevelopmentRWE Clean Energy
- Rajiv SabharwalVice President of Business Development - EnergyBureau Veritas North America
- Brian FoodyCEOIogen Corporation
- Eric GuterVice President, Hydrogen for MobilityAir Products
- Beth DeaneChief Legal OfficerElectric Hydrogen
- Christopher HesslerFounding PartnerAJW, Inc.
- Bernhard VollSenior Technical ExpertSMA Altenso GmbH
- Dr. Joshuah StolaroffCEOMOTE
- Rushabh ShahDirector, Midwest Hydrogen & CCSbp
- Jaryd O’BraskyVice President Sales & ServiceH-TEC SYSTEMS
- Makini ByronDirector, Clean Energy Business DevelopmentLinde
- Todd AndersonChief Technology OfficerPhinia
- Magnus ThomassenChief Product OfficerHystar
- Beth TraskVice President, Global Energy TransitionEnvironmental Defense Fund
- Amanda LelandExecutive DirectorEnvironmental Defense Fund
- Geoff TuffGlobal Sustainability Leader for Energy & Industrials; U.S. Clean Hydrogen LeaderDeloitte
- Steven ParenteHydrogen Infrastructure and Integration SpecialistCaterpillar
- Sashe AnnettCEOHydrogenHive
- Steve BeyerDirector of Business DevelopmentRe:Build Manufacturing
- Arvind DattaSenior Business Development Managerthyssenkrupp nucera
- Mack HopenSr. Manager of CommercializationModern Hydrogen
- Sonia MalekyDirector of Hydrogen TechnologyMicrosoft
- Taisuke HorimiExecutive Counsellor, Green Transformation DevelopmentNippon Steel Corporation
- Michael DuckerPresident and CEOMHI Hydrogen Infrastructure LLC
- Toshihiko AwanoGeneral Manager for Technical | Domestic Value Chain Group | Ammonia Value Chain Project Department | Business Development DivisionIHI Corporation
- Franklin Chang DíazCEOAd Astra Rocket Company
- Mike McKayBusiness Strategy SpecialistREDCOM
- Michael HechtPresident & CEOGreater New Orleans Inc.
- Tatsushi AmanoGlobal Head of Energy & Natural Resources Finance GroupJapan Bank for International Cooperation
- Joseph GoffmanAssistant Administrator for the Office of Air and RadiationU.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
- Chris GreenChairPacific North West Hydrogen Hub
- Nick BariloExecutive Director Center for Hydrogen Safety (CHS)
- Brett PerlmanCEOCenter for Houston’s Future
- Bill ElrickExecutive DirectorHydrogen Fuel Cell Partnership
- Clare JacksonCEOHydrogen UK
- Jonathan CristianiBioenergy & Hydrogen Technology ManagerBlack & Veatch
- Mark FaselDirector of PMG Technical ResourcesInternational Code Council (ICC)
- Trevor Brown, CFAExecutive DirectorAmmonia Energy Association
- Zane McDonaldExecutive DirectorOpen Hydrogen Initiative
- Brad WilliamsExecutive Advisor Energy InfrastructureJERA Americas
- Aaron VillarrealDirector, Sales & Global HydrogenTaylor-Wharton
- Tim HardSVP Energy TransitionArgus
- Silvia Carolina Lopez RochaEnergy Regulatory SpecialistWorld Bank
- Dr Monterey GardinerChief Engineer Hydrogen Strategy & PartnershipsNational Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Owen HopkinsSales ManagerHexagon Purus
- Nabil BennounaPrincipalTransatlantic Clean H2 Trade Coalition
- Leia GuccioneU.S. Program Managing DirectorRMI
- Selim CevikelPrincipal Consultant FinanceGlobal CCS Institute
- Dave FareseMemberHydrogen Safety Panel
- Leigh CollinsEditorHydrogen Insight
- Gurpreet HayreEvent DirectorSustainable Energy Council
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