Amanda Leland - Executive Director - Environmental Defense Fund

Amanda Leland

Executive Director
Environmental Defense Fund

Speaker at:

  • SPOTLIGHT: Getting Hydrogen Right: Aligning Growth and Climate Goal

Amanda Leland, Executive Director of Environmental Defense Fund, is responsible for driving EDF’s global mission of ensuring a vital earth for everyone by driving game-changing climate solutions with a focus on people and nature, energy transition and healthy communities. Amanda oversees the delivery of significant results through multi-disciplinary global initiatives, while also deepening a culture of collaboration and an equitable, people-centered approach. Ms. Leland previously led EDF’s Oceans program, a global team in 14 countries focused on reversing overfishing while improving human wellbeing. A marquis achievement is the dramatic economic and ecological recovery of U.S. fisheries. She holds a master’s degree in marine biology from University of Maine.

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