Dr. Stolaroff spent 11 years at LLNL as a staff scientist and Carbon Capture Technology Manager, leading projects in carbon capture, advanced manufacturing, and clean energy. At LLNL, Josh’s team brought an environmentally friendly, low-cost carbon capture technology to pilot, in partnership with SoCalGas and Xebec. Dr. Stolaroff was on the team at LLNL that completed the research “Getting to Neutral” which was in the inspiration for Mote. Prior to joining LLNL, Josh held an AAAS Science and Technology Fellowship at the U.S. EPA doing climate policy research and a post-doctoral fellowship at Carnegie Mellon’s Climate Decision Making Center. He has a PhD in Engineering & Public Policy and Civil & Environmental Engineering from Carnegie Mellon University and a B.S. in Environmental Engineering Science from the University of California, Berkeley. His thesis on the feasibility of direct air capture, under Greg Lowry and David Keith, formed the groundwork for the company Carbon Engineering.

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