Eugene Holubnyak - Director of Hydrogen Energy Research Center - University of Wyoming

Eugene Holubnyak

Director of Hydrogen Energy Research Center
University of Wyoming

Speaker at:

  • Supplemental Resource Availability for Hydrogen: Carbon Management, Water, and Workforce

Eugene is the Director of the Hydrogen Energy Research Center at the University of Wyoming. He previously served over a decade as a CCUS program lead at the Kansas Geological Survey and spent five years working on the Plains CO2 Reduction (PCOR) Partnership at EERC. He has been a Principal Investigator on over $55M of the Department of Energy and other sponsored research and development projects on CCUS, Hydrogen, and critical minerals.

Eugene has served on multiple professional committees, including the KS Induced Seismicity Task Force, the State Carbon Capture Work Group, and the Regional Carbon Capture Deployment Initiative. Until recently, he has organized and led the KS CCUS Task Force and represented Kansas at the CO2 Transport Infrastructure MOU. He also regularly provides training and seminars for the Climate Tech and Carbon Capture and Storage Industry.

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