Jennifer States - Director of Ports - Momentum; and Blue Sky Maritime Coalition

Jennifer States

Director of Ports
Momentum; and Blue Sky Maritime Coalition

Panelist at:

  • Driving Hydrogen Demand with Innovation

Jennifer brings 25 years of renewable energy, maritime sustainability and clean tech expertise in industry, non-profit, government and research environments. Her experience includes Blue Sky Maritime Coalition, Washington Maritime Blue, DNV, Port of Port Angeles, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, juwi (wind development company) as well as serving as an elected City Councilor (City of Sequim, WA). Her greatest accomplishments include supporting launch and leadership for three sustainability non-profits, implementation of Federal renewable energy policy and driving development of clean tech projects. In 2020, she testified in Congress on new structures to support cross-cutting energy and maritime commercialization activities, leading to the launch of the Department of Energy Foundation. She also helped lead the UN Sustainable Ocean Business Action Platform sprints on Harnessing Ocean Energy and Shipping Decarbonization.

Home – Momentum (

Momentum designs, develops, and deploys innovation campaigns for organizations working on transformative water, energy, transportation, and manufacturing technologies. Based in Sacramento, California, Momentum has a global reach, delivering strategic planning, fund development, project management, and commercialization services from Los Angeles and Seattle to New York City and the Kingdom of Jordan. Momentum was established in 2005 as Grant Farm.

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