Johnson Matthey (JM) is a global leader in sustainable technologies that will accelerate the transition to net zero. With over 200 years of commitment to innovation and technological breakthroughs, we improve the function, performance and safety of our customers’ products. Our science and sustainable technologies have a global impact in areas such as low emission transport, fuels and energy, chemical processing and making the most efficient use of the planet’s natural resources.

Using our knowledge of chemistry and its applications, we research, develop, and innovate solutions to make the world cleaner and healthier.  We have the opportunity to be at the forefront, leading the way for our markets and creating breakthrough results that deliver value for our customers through:

  • low carbon hydrogen technology, which reduces CO2 emissions by over 95%
  • low carbon solutions produced at scale to enable the critical transitions needed today for decarbonization
  • greener, more sustainable technologies for the chemical, fuels and energy sectors
  • catalysis technology and process design to process optimization
  • enable the pivot to greener feedstocks.

For more information visit,

PHISHING & FRAUD WARNING: It has come to our attention that fraudulent companies are claiming to be selling the attendee contact list for Hydrogen Americas Summit. We urge our clients to be vigilant and not be fooled by these fraudulent claims. SEC has never sold our attendees contact details. We follow strict GDPR rules and treat our client’s data with the strictest of confidence. If you come across any of these phishing emails, please report them and delete them.    

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